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ZONE last won the day on July 9 2022

ZONE had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

20 Excellent


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  1. ZONE

    Some stuff

    All weapons or elemental dungeon weapons ?
  2. ZONE


    Within a +20 upgrade, the special blacksmith will re-open, but it won't work on elemental dungeon weapons. Special sales scroll will be added. Thanks for your ideas.
  3. Türkçe English Enchantment / Sihirlendirme Erasing Enchantment / Sihir Silme Star Dragon Silah dekorasyon seti / Star Dragon decorative weapon set Dawnbringer Silah dekorasyon seti / Dawnbringer decorative weapon set
  4. Türkçe English Kanat görselleri ve statları / Wing images and stats
  5. ZONE

    Ice archer skills

    It will be checked and feedback will be provided.
  6. Türkçe English Galaksi silah dekorasyon seti NO.1 / Cosmos decoration weapon set NO.1 Galaksi silah dekorasyon seti NO.2 / Cosmos decoration weapon set NO.2 Galaksi silah dekorasyon seti NO.3 / Cosmos decoration weapon set NO.3 Galaksi silah dekorasyon seti NO.4 / Cosmos decoration weapon set NO.4 Galaksi silah dekorasyon seti NO.5 / Cosmos decoration weapon set NO.5
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